"Helping to make a difference for generations to come"
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Morenci Area Schools

About Us

A group of community leaders first met on August 1, 2002 for the purpose of discussing the possibility of establishing an education foundation to benefit the students and staff of the Morenci Area School District. With great enthusiasm work began to seek official recognition for the newly created MORENCI EDUCATION FOUNDATION. Paperwork was filed and the MEF was granted official non-profit incorporation status in November of 2002. Just a few weeks later, in February, 2003, the MEF was given official approval as a 501 ( c) (3) non-profit organization by the IRS.

The MORENCI EDUCATION FOUNDATION exists for two main purposes. Our primary area of concern is in awarding mini-grants to teachers and staff which will enable them to buy materials to supplement their classroom instructions. Our desire is to create innovative educational opportunities that otherwise would not exist via the school's general operating budget.

A second area of emphasis is in awarding scholarships to deserving Morenci graduates. The MEF serves as an umbrella organization - handling scholarship funds for a number of local resources.

We are very blessed to be a part of a very supportive and generous community.

"Helping to make a difference for generations to come…"